Creating a Lane

Reminder: a list must be created before creating a lane!

To begin, click on Lanes at the top of the screen. Your screen will look like this:


The Lane Manager is on the left side of the screen. In this area, you can create new top-level lanes, sublanes, move existing sublanes to a top-level lane, hide or show top-level lanes, and reorder lanes. Please note that when you click on “Create Top-Level Lane” or “Create Sublane” the screen on the right will change to reflect the type of lane you want to create.

To create a new lane, on the right side of the screen, enter a list name in the name box and click “Save Name”. Then move the appropriate list, found in the Available Lists box to the Lists in this Lane box. You can use the “Add to lane” button or drag the list to the “Lists in this lane” box.  When you have finished adding a list or lists click “Save lane”. The lane will now appear under the Lane Manager.


Managing Lanes in the Lane Manager

Reordering Lanes

You can move lanes by grabbing the = sign to the left of the lane and dragging the lane to a new spot. You can also use this drag/drop function to move a sublane to a top-level lane.


Lane Visibility

You can hide lanes at your choosing. Simply click on the “Visible” button to the right of the lane to hide the lane. To turn the visibility back on, click on the “Hidden” button. Hidden lanes will not be accessible to patrons in the Palace mobile app but allow lanes to be created in advance for special reading campaigns, local events, or other reading initiatives.
