Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the Libraries sidebar item.
  2. Click the Create a new library button.
  3. Enter the library Name to display in various screens of the Collection Manager; e.g., Alameda County Library; this name will be displayed in the active library list in the Palace mobile apps
  4. Enter a unique Short name for the library; this value will be used as the first segment of the URL path in the library's Collection Manager OPDS/catalog feed
    1. Use the IMLS FSCS ID number
    2. Write letters in all caps, e.g. CA0001
  5. Enter the URL of the library’s website. This will link from the logo in the app.
  6. Enter a short description of the library, written as all lower case “serving” then Library Location, State Abbreviation, e.g. serving Alameda County, CA
  7. Enter an email address into the Patron support email address field or a Patron Support Website
    1. One of these two fields must be completed
    2. To add a Patron Support Website, enter the URL in that field and then expand the Patron Support tab below
    3. Enter the support email in the Copyright designated agent email field
  8. Under Lanes & Filters:
    1. Change enabled entry points to: All, eBooks, Audiobooks
    2. Change Maximum Number of Books in the ‘Featured’ lanes to 35
    3. Change Allow Patrons to Sort by to Recently Added
    4. Change Allow Patrons to filter availability to: Available Now
  9. Upload a logo image (in PNG, JPG, or GIF format, 135x135px)
  10. Under Languages:
    1. Add English as the primary language represented in this library’s collection
    2. For any other languages, add them each under the second option, Other Major Languages Represented in this Library’s Collection
  11. Click the Add button to the right of each language
  12. Click the Submit button to create the library in the Collection Manager.

Last Revised Date: 2/13/2025