Step-by-step guide
- Click the Libraries sidebar item.
- Click the Create a new library button.
- Enter the library Name to display in various screens of the Collection Manager; e.g., Alameda County Library; this name will be displayed in the active library list in the Palace mobile apps
- Enter a unique Short name for the library; this value will be used as the first segment of the
URL path in the library's Collection Manager OPDS/catalog feed
- Use the IMLS FSCS ID number
- Write letters in all caps, e.g. CA0001
- Enter the URL of the library’s website. This will link from the logo in the app.
- Enter a short description of the library, written as all lower case “serving” then Library Location, State Abbreviation, e.g. serving Alameda County, CA
- Enter an email address into the Patron support email address field or a Patron Support Website
- One of these two fields must be completed
- To add a Patron Support Website, enter the URL in that field and then expand the Patron Support tab below
- Enter the support email in the Copyright designated agent email field
- Under Lanes & Filters:
- Change enabled entry points to: All, eBooks, Audiobooks
- Change Maximum Number of Books in the ‘Featured’ lanes to 35
- Change Allow Patrons to Sort by to Recently Added
- Change Allow Patrons to filter availability to: Available Now
- Upload a logo image (in PNG, JPG, or GIF format, 135x135px)
- Under Languages:
- Add English as the primary language represented in this library’s collection
- For any other languages, add them each under the second option, Other Major Languages Represented in this Library’s Collection
- Click the Add button to the right of each language
- Click the Submit button to create the library in the Collection Manager.
Last Revised Date: 2/13/2025